The GD32207i-EVAL had been designed by GigaDevice. The board uses GD32F207IKT6 microcontroller which belongs to the High-Performance line of GD32 MCU Family. It is a 32-bits general-purpose microcontroller based on the ARM® Cortex®-M3 core with best cost-performance ratio in terms of enhanced processing capacity, reduced power consumption and peripheral set.
In order to fully use of the ARM® Cortex®-M3 core, GD32F207IKT6 can operate at 120 MHz clock frequency as well as Flash accesses zero wait states to obtain a maximum DMIPS. GD32F207IKT6 can provide up to 3072 KB on-chip Flash memory, 256 KB SRAM memory, lots of peripherals and interfaces. An extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals were connected to MCU’s two APB buses.
Microcontroller features¶
• GD32F207IKT6 in LQFP176 package
• Performance
°ARM® Cortex™-M3 CPU with MPU
°120 MHz max CPU frequency
°3072 Kbytes of Flash memory
°256 Kbytes of SRAM
• Clock management
°High Speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL)
°Internal 8 MHz RC oscillator (IRC8M)
°Internal 40 KHz RC oscillator (IRC40K)
°Low Speed crystal oscillator (LXTAL)
°Three Phase Lock Loop (PLL)
°HXTAL clock monitor
°Clock prescalers
°Clock Multiplexers
°Clock Gating Circuitry
• Reset and supply management
°Three power domains: VBAK, VDD/VDDA and 1.2V power domains
°Three power saving modes: Sleep, Deep-sleep and Standby modes
°VDD , VDDA voltage range: 2.6V to 3.6V
°VBAT supply for RTC and backup registers
• Timers
°2x 16-bit basic timers
°2x 16-bit advanced timers
°10x 16-bit general purpose timers
°1x 24-bit SysTick
°2x watchdog timers
°1x RTC
• Communication modules
°140 general purpose I/O pins
°4x USART modules + 4x UART modules
°3x I2C modules
°3x SPI modules
°2x CAN 2.0B modules
°2x I2S modules
°1x SDIO
°1x Camera
°1x Ethernet
°1x Crypto/Hash
°1x EXMC + 1x SDRAM
• Analog Modules
°3x 12-bit ADCs with 24 channels
°2x 12-bit DAC
•Security and integrity modules
°Hardware CRC calculation unit
°Embedded flash security
Set Up Your Development Environment
Using keil MDK v5 to compile FreeRTOS demos for GD32207i-EVAL board. You can download keil MDK v5 at Keil MDK website. The Keil MDK v5 Essential, Plus, or Pro version should also work for the GD32F20x (Cortex-M3 core) MCU.
To install the development tool for the GD32207i-EVAL board
1. Download the Keil MDK.
2. Install the Keil MDK on your host machine by using your license. The Keil MDK includes the Keil μVision IDE, a C/C++ compilation toolchain, and the μVision debugger.
3. Install the GD32F20x Series Pack file from Pack Installer window of Keil IDE, you can also get pack file from the Gigadevice website.
Set up GD32207i-EVAL board correctly
Make sure the jumper cap on the development board is set correctly. JP18, JP19, JP20,JP22,JP23 jump to ‘Eth’. JP5 jump to ‘USART0’.
Build the FreeRTOS Demo Project
1. Make sure the Keil MDK v5is installed correctly.
2. Open aws_demos folder in the
3. Double click GD32207i_EVAL.uvprojx project file to open demo project.
4. To make sure that your settings are correct to flash the chip, click the ‘Options for Target’ in the project navigation pane.
5. On the ‘Device’ tab, verify the chip type is set to GD32F207IK.
6. On the ‘Utilities’ tab, verify that ‘Use Target Driver for Flash Programming’ is selected, then click ‘Settings’ and verify Programming Algorithm is chosen to ‘GD32F20x Connectivity line FMC’.
7. On the ‘Debug’ tab, you can select the corresponding debugger as required. The default debugger is CMSIS-DAP Debugger.
8. Click ‘Build’ button in the project navigation panel after the above operations are completed.
Run the FreeRTOS Demo Project
1. Click the ‘Download’ button in the project navigation panel to flash the program to the GD32207i-EVAL board after the correct compilation.
2. You can view the demo running result through the serial port.
To subscribe to the MQTT topic with the AWS IoT MQTT client
You can use the MQTT client in the AWS IoT console to monitor the messages that your device sends to the AWS Cloud
1. Sign in to the AWS IoT console.
2. In the navigation pane, choose ‘Test’ to open the MQTT client.
3. In ‘Subscription topic’, enter iotdemo/#, and then choose ‘Subscribe to topic’.
Technical references
GD32207i-EVAL datasheet, user manual & schematic : http://www.gd32mcu.com/en/download?kw=GD32F2
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